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Cellulite Reduction


* Morpheus8 Body with Burst Technology
* Sculptra® Injections
* Hyperdiluted Radiesse® Injections

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Cellulite is an extremely common condition and is seen in 9 out of 10 adult females. Although completely harmless, the appearance can be somewhat displeasing. Cellulite shows up as lumpy, dimpled flesh, typically on the thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen.

Cellulite is caused by structures called fibrous bands which are located under the skin’s surface. These bands pull the skin inward, and as a result, fat is trapped between them, giving the skin a “dimpled” appearance. Unfortunately, since the result of cellulite is caused by a change in the skin’s architecture, its severity is not improved by diet or exercise.

The best treatment for cellulite reduction is the mechanical or chemical relaxing of these bands in combination with the addition of volume to the skin. Once the bands are relaxed, the tension on the skin’s surface is decreased, helping to reduce the appearance of dimples. In addition, a volumized, thicker skin will resist further downward tension and help the skin to appear smoother.

Morpheus8 Body with Burst Technology

The new Morpheus8 Body with Burst Technology is an industry-first in fractional technology that sends radio frequency energy to multi-level treatment depths in a single cycle. What this means is that this device can target tissue sequentially at three levels in millimeter intervals, which allows for a significant reduction in treatment times, minimizes downtime, increases uniformity, and allows for customized, full-body procedures. Morpheus8 Body is a great solution for cellulite reduction because it’s controlled fractional heating of the skin contributes to precise collagen production where it’s needed the most.


Effective across all skin tones, Morpheus8 Body literally ‘morphs’ your skin into having a smoother appearance. It has the ability to penetrate deeper into the skin than any other microneedling device. Morpheus8 Body can be used for cellulite reduction, stretch marks, surgical scars, and more.

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FAQ's About Morpheus8 Body

Sculptra Injections

Sculptra is an injectable filler with a proven track-record of safety and efficacy that can be used for cellulite reduction. Sculptra contains a biocompatible synthetic substance that’s used for stimulating collagen production. This same substance has been used in absorbable sutures for the last 50 years and has an excellent safety record. Unlike other fillers, Sculptra does not initially offer significant volumization. It works by stimulating your collagen and therefore, the results are gradual, but can be significant in reducing the appearance of cellulite.

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FAQ’s About Sculptra

1. Am I a good candidate for Sculptra Injections for cellulite reduction?

Sculptra is an injectable filler that contours and corrects irregularities of the skin due to cellulite. Individuals with busy professional and personal lives love Sculptra augmentation, as this procedure requires little to no downtime.

2. What do Sculptra injections for cellulite reduction treatment entail?

Sculptra is manufactured as a dry, sterile powder which must be reconstituted prior to administration. Dr. Dana specially prepares each patient’s Sculptra cocktail using a proprietary formula that ensures maximal procedural comfort and optimal aesthetic results.

Prior to treatment, Dr. Dana will carefully mark the locations requiring volumization. This will be done both while standing and reclining to ensure that your results appear as natural as possible from all angles. Once the precise target areas have been identified, the area will be numbed with a topical anesthetic cream (if desired) to reduce the discomfort associated with the initial Sculptra injections.

Following the first few injections, you should not feel pain due to the addition of lidocaine to the Sculptra solution; however, you may experience sensations of pressure as the filler volumizes and shapes the target areas.

3. How much time is needed to complete Sculptra injections for cellulite reduction?

The planning process and subsequent topical numbing requires about 30 minutes to complete. Injection of the Sculptra requires an additional 20 minutes. In total, expect to be with us for approximately 1- 1 ½ hours on the day of your treatment.

4. What can I expect during the recovery from Sculptra injections?

Aside from its efficacy, patients love Sculptra because they are associated with little to no downtime. As dictated by your personal comfort, you may resume your normal activities immediately after treatment. We do, however, recommend avoiding direct pressure on the cellulite reduction treatment areas for twenty-four after your treatment.

Mild swelling and bruising of the treatment areas are expected following a Sculptra. These effects improve significantly within five to seven days after your treatment and completely resolve within two weeks.

To maximize your aesthetic results, we strongly encourage our patients to observe the “Rule of Five,” which involves five minute massages of the treated area, five times a day, for the first five days after your procedure. Aside from its efficacy, patients love Sculptra because it is associated with little to no downtime.

Mild swelling and bruising of the treatment areas are expected following a Sculptra treatment. These effects improve significantly within 5 to 10 days after your treatment and completely resolve within 2 weeks.

As dictated by your personal comfort, you may resume your normal activities immediately after treatment.

To maximize your aesthetic results, we strongly encourage our patients to observe the “Rule of 5,” which involves 5 minute massages of the treated area, 5 times a day, for the first 5 days after your procedure.

5. When can I expect to see results from Sculptra cellulite treatments?

The results of Sculptra injections are progressive and additive, meaning that they improve over time and with multiple treatments. Although most patients report some immediate correction, this is an artificial and short-lived volumization due to tissue swelling. Over time, there is an organic collagen production which results in a natural appearance, which is more durable than most other fillers. Subtle improvements in the skin contour and volume are first noticed within three months after treatment, but 6 months are required to appreciate the full benefits of Sculptra.

6. How often do I need to repeat the Sculptra treatments?

Most patients will require 3 to 5 sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart to achieve maximal results; however, the pay-off from these multiple treatments is highly advantageous, as the results of Sculptra injections last for several years following the completion of your treatment.

Radiesse® Injections

Radiesse is an injectable filler that contains microspheres made up of phosphate and calcium. These two substances are naturally found in the body and help stimulate your skin’s own collagen production. Radiesse immediately fills out areas that lack volume, and as time goes on, the microspheres encourage the body to generate new collagen. Depending on the person, Radiesse can last for 1 to 2 years. It’s a great treatment for volume loss in various parts of the face like the temples, jawlines and for lifting the jowls by treating the lateral cheek bone. Radiesse is Dr. Khorasani’s filler of choice for general lifting purposes.

Hyperdiluted Radiesse with lidocaine and saline may also be used for global skin texture enhancement and rejuvenation. The extent of dilution of Radiesse with lidocaine and saline depends on the area to be treated. For instance, a 1:1 ratio is used for the dimples from cellulite on the buttocks and a 1:4 ratio may be used for improvement of skin texture of the entire buttocks. The most popular areas we treat with


Hyperdiluted Radiesse include:

- Age related lateral neck lines
- Décolletage (orange peel looking chest skin)
- Sagging buttocks skin
- Cellulite dimples on the thighs and buttocks
- Crepey skin around the knee and elbows
- Excessive skin laxity of the abdomen
- Post pregnancy abdomen  


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FAQ’s About Hyperdiluted Radiesse

1. Am I a good candidate for Hyperdiluted Radiesse Injections for cellulite reduction?


Hyperdiluted Radiesse is an injectable filler that contours and corrects the skin due to cellulite and other irregularities. Hyperdiluted Radiesse can be used to globally improve the texture of the skin. This is an extremely versatile product and may be used in most locations of the body with excessive lines, laxity, and irregularities. Injectable fillers are non-invasive and are ideal for individuals with busy lifestyles as the downtime is relatively short (if any).

2. What does Hyperdiluted Radiesse injections for cellulite reduction treatment entail?

Radiesse is manufactured as a gel that contains microspheres made up of phosphate and calcium. Dr. Negoi prepares each patient’s filler using a proprietary dilution method tailored specifically to the patient's skin type and specific body location. This formula ensures maximal procedural comfort and optimal aesthetic results.

Prior to treatment, Dr. Negoi will carefully mark the locations requiring volumization or lift. This will be done both while standing and reclining to ensure that your results appear as natural as possible from all angles. Once the precise target areas have been identified, the area will be numbed with a topical anesthetic cream (if desired) to reduce the discomfort associated with the initial Radiesse injections.

Following the first few injections, you should not feel discomfort due to the addition of lidocaine to the Radiesse solution; however, you may experience sensations of pressure as the filler volumizes and shapes the target areas.

3. How much time is needed to complete Hyperdiluted Radiesse injections for cellulite reduction?

The planning process and subsequent topical numbing requires about 45 minutes to complete. Injection of the filler requires an additional 30 minutes. In total, expect to be with us for approximately 1 ½ hours on the day of your treatment.

4. What can I expect during the recovery from Hyperdiluted Radiesse injections?

Hyperdiluted Radiesse is associated with little to no downtime. Mild swelling and bruising of the treatment areas are expected following the treatment. These effects improve significantly within 5 to 10 days after your treatment and completely resolve within 2 weeks.

As dictated by your personal comfort, you may resume your normal activities immediately after treatment. We do, however, recommend avoiding direct pressure on the treatment areas for 24 hours after your treatment.

5. How many treatments Hyperdiluted Radiesse injections of do I need?

Most patients will require between 1 to 3 treatments. Most patients will also need annual maintenance treatments.  If additional treatments are needed, you may repeat in 4 to 6 weeks.


6. When can I expect to see results from Hyperdiluted Radiesse cellulite treatments?


The results of Hyperdiluted Radiesse injections are immediate and progressive. The traditional filler properties of Radiesse lend itself to enhanced volume and shape that is noticeable immediately after your treatment. Over time, this product stimulates production of Type 1 collagen and further adds to the volumizaton effect. Subtle improvements in the skin contour and volume are first noticed within two to three weeks after treatment. As collagen synthesis is a slow process, the full benefits of this product is not appreciated until 6 months after the last session.

6. How often do I need to repeat the Hyperdiluted Radiesse treatments?

Most patients will require 1 to 2 sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart to achieve maximal results; however, the pay-off from these multiple treatments is highly advantageous, as the results of  Hyperdiluted Radiesseinjections last for several years following the completion of your treatment.


Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation Today!

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